ProductivityLife | 2 Min Read

#70 - Dealing With a Productivity Rut

I'm sure we've all been there at one point, the point of having to force ourselves to do something. Whether it be to study for a test, write an essay on something, or just in general do something we don't feel 'pumped' for.

Hey Friends 👋

I'm sure we've all been there at one point, the point of having to force ourselves to do something. Whether it be to study for a test, write an essay on something, or just in general do something we don't feel "pumped" for.

I went through this exact thing this week after coming back from a break away for a few days and it made me think, should we force ourselves to do these things?

Of course, it's hard to avoid them if they have a deadline, be it a self-imposed one or not. For example, if a test is looming down on you then you should probably study for it regardless but what about things that don't have crucial deadlines? What about things like side-projects or hobbies like content creation, should we force ourselves to do these things?

In the last few days, I did just that and tried forcing myself to do some work on Harken and content creation when I didn't feel motivated to do anything productive. And, to be honest, I would've been better off not working on it, everything felt like it took twice the effort it normally would to stay focused on the problem.

So, in the long run, I think if we're going through a productivity rut and if our deadlines allow, then it's just better to take a couple of days off and do nothing but be unproductive and focus on the things we get joy and happiness from. This will let us relax and get out of our rut quicker and be back to our performing selves again sooner.

But, what do you think? How do you deal with being in a productivity rut and not feeling like you want to work on anything? Do you just power through? Or, do you take a step back and let yourself recharge? I'd love to hear your thoughts so ping me a reply and let me know.

And, as always, until next week.

Thank you for reading.

Coner x

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