EntrepreneurshipLife | 4 Min Read

#68 - 5️⃣ Steps to Dominate Your Morning!

Something most, if not all of us have in common is the desire for more time in our day. More time to work on the things that matter to us and the tasks that will propel us toward our goals in life. The difficult part is finding the time to do these things...

Hey Friends 👋

Something most, if not all of us have in common is the desire for more time in our day. More time to work on the things that matter to us and the tasks that will propel us toward our goals in life. The difficult part is finding the time to do these things...

For some, they find that late in the evening after everyone has gone to bed works best. For others, they find it during the day, for example on their lunch breaks from work. And, then if we have the final group, the early-rising morning warriors who get all their extra work and time in before the rest of the world has awoken.

For a long time, I was very much part of the night owls group, working later and then sleeping in to make up for it. The only issue I had with this method is that by the time it came around to working on my tasks for the day, all my motivation, energy, and willpower had been sucked up by the working day, and the other tasks I had to do. This may sound familiar if you've tried the same pattern in the past.

So, after this realization, the journey to find a new time began, at first I wanted to use my lunch breaks but they're hardly reliable, some days I can get the full hour, others I'm lucky to eat. This lack of consistency is far from ideal when trying to get your teeth into making progress. Not, to mention that switching mental gears and context is one of the fastest ways to kill your productivity levels so this meant the afternoon was a non-starter.

This left me with the dreaded morning slot. 😩

I'm not sure about you but getting up early has always been a bit of a chore (unless it's something like Christmas when I was a kid 😂). But, overall getting up early sucks!

But, recently I've been reading through Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and in his book, Hal shares a 5-step plan for getting up early and avoiding hitting the snooze button. So, today, I wanted to share with you the 5 steps because so far they've been a great help in helping me get up early and get some precious time in working on projects before the rest of the world is up. Hal's steps are.

  1. Set your intentions before bed
  2. Put your alarm clock across the room
  3. Brush your teeth
  4. Hydrate
  5. Get dressed

Overall, they don't seem that ground-breaking but what they do is quite clever, they help us ease into the day and gently bring us out of our sleep state where we're most likely to hit snooze and drift back off to sleep.

First of all, we should set our intentions for the following day before we go to sleep, this means we have our "why" ready to go in the morning. Because, once we know the reason we're getting up early, it's a lot easier to do it. Think about when you get up early to catch a plane, you have no issues doing it!

Second, we put our alarm clock (or, phone) across the room, this is to force us up and out of bed so we can't just roll across the bed and hit the snooze button automatically. And, then once we're out of bed, we brush our teeth and drink some water, these two small tasks help ease us into the day and out of our sleep state so we're even less likely to head back to bed. Finally, we get dressed, ideally, this would be to do some morning exercise but it doesn't have to be, it could just be to jump into the tasks we have planned for the morning.

In practice, these five steps are really simple but put together, they can be incredibly powerful in helping us get up in the morning and get a jump on the day and our goals.

So, if you're thinking of giving them a shot, why not try them this coming week and then let me know how you got on next week? Also, if you'd like to read more about Hal's thinking behind these steps as well as what he calls his six life S.A.V.E.R.S, I highly recommend reading Miracle Morning.

I look forward to hearing how you get on this coming week so until then and as always.

Thank you for reading.

Coner x

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